The application truly captures matlab image engineering matlab books in engineering library rack and on choosing engineering certain keyword of engineering book we get matlab related books to matlab keyword and necessary particulars then on further preference of engineering specific book we get matlab contents engineering matlab related book. In this paper matlab is attempted to introduce features to simplify choosing books in matlab library without any efforts. The software introduces easy option to come to a decision books which are wanted from matlab library. The program can be able to feature satisfactorily throughout all android phones. Experimental consequences show that matlab image captured will be of good first-rate and matlab digital camera will be greater than or 5mp, so that matlab data or counsel about books we get from matlab image is appropriate or correct. MadhumitaGhosalComputer Engineering, SPPU, India Priya SinghComputer Engineering, SPPU, India Heena ShaikhComputer Engineering, SPPU, India A. Coverdell Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. October 15 16, 2009. 112. Q. X. Sang. But I found more barriers and flaws in matlab Nook app’s primary book applications. For many words, matlab app lacked dictionary entries matlab others had, and books loaded more slowly. Also, one book I downloaded on matlab Nook app had matlab first few pages lacking and an alternative turned out to be engineering different book from its identify. Also, its horizontal view failed to work for all matlab titles I confirmed. In my exams, book prices gave the impression approximately similar on all three apps, though some books may cost less on one or another. For example, Jonathan Franzen’s new book “Freedom,” is $12.