In matlab concept of common relativity, matlab only gravity which is still for matlab observer following engineering falling path or “inertial” path near engineering gravitating body, is that that’s due to non uniformities which stay in matlab gravitational subject, even for matlab falling observer. This non uniformity, which is engineering simple tidal effect in Newtonian dynamics, constitutes matlab “microgravity” that’s felt by all spacially extended items falling in any herbal gravitational field that originates from engineering compact mass. The reason behind those tidal consequences is that such engineering subject may have its beginning in engineering centralized place matlab compact mass, and thus will diverge, and vary a little in strength, in response to distance from matlab mass. It will thus vary across matlab width engineering matlab falling or orbiting item. Thus, matlab term “microgravity,” a very technical term from matlab Newtonian view, is engineering valid and descriptive term in matlab normal relativistic Einsteinian view. The term micro g atmosphere also µg, generally noted by matlab term microgravity is more or less engineering synonym of weightlessness and 0 G, but suggests that g forces aren’t reasonably zero, just very small.